Display Student-Centric reports

Learn more about individual students in an easy, in-depth fashion! Our Reports API provides embeddable, student-focused reports to provide a student with additional information and feedback or provide a teacher with a drilled down view of their student progress.

Sessions Summary Report

See a running total of correct, incorrect and skipped items for an individual session or a combination of sessions.

Sessions Summary with Tags Report

See a more detailed breakdown of the score of an individual or combination of sessions, broken down based on a tag hierarchy.

Sessions List Report

View multiple attempts at the same activity, or multiple different activities, for a single student.

Sessions List by Item Report

Dive deeper and analyze exactly how a student did at a per-item level for a number of sessions.

Last Score by Activity Report

See a student score for their most recent attempt at one or multiple activities.

Sessions Detail by Item Report

Drill down into the student answer, score and correct answer for a session.